Edwards 5 cylinder radial engine master rod

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Edwards 5 cylinder radial engine master rod

Postby El$syd » Wed 16 Feb 2011 12:03

I have been toying with the idea of making a radial engine for some time. The Forest Edwards 5 cylinder radial engine looks great as there have been a number of people who have successfully made the engine. The plans are free too, which also helps. However, they are only available in Imperial measurements at this time. So, using Easymill I have converted the first part I chose to make , the master rod. The attached files show the Easymill machining file and the associated DXF file. I drew the master rod using Easymill, but used another package to dimension it and check that all was correct. There are slight differences between the original imperial version and the metric verswion but only in non critical areas.
Edwards 5 cylinder master rod.iso
The G-code produced by Easymill, no automatic tool change so edit the file accordingly.
(8 KiB) Downloaded 156 times
Edwards 5 cylinder master rod.dxf
Drawing for the metric version of the master rod - drawn using Easymill, exported to Draftsight for dimensioning.
(102.51 KiB) Downloaded 183 times
Edwards 5 cylinder master rod.usi
Easymill machining cycles
(49.84 KiB) Downloaded 161 times
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